Screencast of How To Be A Successful Philanthropy Chair


This is a screencast-o-matic video of my “How to be a Successful Philanthropy Chair” presentation. This video gives guidance to future and current philanthropy chairs for those who are feeling uneasy. I was my sororities first Executive Board Philanthropy Chair and I wish I had some help when I started. I hope you enjoy!

I expect users to find my video when they are looking for motivation and encouragement.  The whole point of the video is to give sorority philanthropists advice and guidance when they are feeling lost.  The position could get confusing and discouraging at times, so I wanted to combat those feelings with my video.  They will find it worth watching because it will help them in their time of need. Wolf describes that participants use Youtube to help with their self-confidence which is what my video aims to do.  A participant says that “After watching a video … I feel confident that this was something I could do” which is how I want girls to feel after watching my video (Wolf 2018).  This video clearly describes important aspects of the job and how to successfully deal with problems which should help girls feel more comfortable in the role.  Another Wolf quote that I find inspiring is “The practice of watching videos was a way for participants to configure who they are, who they might be, and who they want to be” (Wolf 2018).  I felt when I became Philanthropy Chair of my sorority, I learned about myself, my leadership qualities, and how easily I could adapt in difficult or confusion situations.  So I hope this video gives girls confidence and ability to find out leadership qualities about themselves during their college experience.  Overall, I hope Wolf’s findings are true for my audience because I would really like to positively influence young philanthropists’ lives.

Works Cited:

Wolf, Christine T. “DIY Videos on YouTube: Identity and possibility in the age of algorithms.” First Monday (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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