Philanthropy Memes

Meme #1
Meme #2
Meme #3

My memes are relatable to Philanthropy chairs because of the stress that is felt when they make their initiatives happen.  Meme #1 is Batman slapping Robin in the face which represents Me slapping people who don’t believe in Philanthropy.  I think it is very funny because I sometimes feel anger when people do not believe in causes or do not want to participate. The second meme refers to our philanthropy events that involve collecting cash in exchange for a good or service.  When people say that they do not have cash, we always offer our Venmo name, and then when they say they do not have a Venmo, you stand there, awkward and in disbelief.  You usually smile and wait for them to say something or walk away.  This is a feeling that multiple girls in my sorority have and will relate too.  The last meme shows the relief  that Philanthropy Chairs feel when they reach their fundraising goal and the initiatives that have being planned for a while- sleeping, stress-free and smiling.


Photo Citations:

BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board. “When Can I Let My Baby Sleep Alone?” BabyCentre UK, BabyCentre Blog,

No. “When You Try to Pet a Dog and It Growls at You” Twitter, Twitter, 15 June 2014,

“Batman Slapping Robin.” Laundry Viking Meme Generator – Imgflip,

All images were made on

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