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I am happy that I did a blog about my philanthropy efforts this fall semester.  I believe that this blog will be helpful for future philanthropy chairs because of the detail I provided about my events.  I know I did not have this type of help when I started this position, so I hope that this will give future and other philanthropy chairs help when they are feeling confused or in need of direction.  I wish I was able to add a little more information about the events we did and the cancellations. By the end of the semester, there were a lot of cancellations that never had a follow-up conversation.  In the past with cancellations, the organization would try to reschedule the event but that did not happen this year.  This year was a little different because there was an attempted philanthropy event that the Panhellenic Council tried to put on, but ended up cancelling almost all activities besides the fundraising.  Huge disappointment.

My key “take-aways” from this class were the products we made, which includes the screencast-o-matic, PSA, podcast, and blogs.  These were memorable because I have never had to use these applications before.  It was a little difficult at first, but I got the hang of it, watched YouTube videos for help, and successfully submitted all assignments.  I had a really good time recording myself and interviewing my friend.  I thought it was a great way to change up the blogs and make them more interesting.  I also really liked my group members, we seemed to always be on the same page and understanding of each others concerns or problems.  Our group never fought or had any disagreements.  That was mostly because of the way the group work was assigned.  We always asked each other for help and clarification when instructions were confusing.

Overall, enjoyed the class and happy I have products to show employers.



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